Neurashi’s Milestones

The main milestones Neurashi is creating in the world of crypto

0.1. Establish a Robust Decentralized Network

· Status: Established

· Develop and deploy a secure and scalable blockchain-based platform using advanced cryptographic techniques and consensus algorithms.

· Implement smart contracts to facilitate the seamless integration of AI providers and users within the Neurashi ecosystem.

· Ensure decentralization, transparency, and immutability of transactions and data within the network.

0.2. Onboard AI Providers

· Status: Established

· Attract and onboard a diverse range of AI providers, including language models (e.g., ChatGPT, GPT-3), image generators (e.g., DALL-E, Midjourney), and other specialized AI models.

· Develop a user-friendly onboarding process and provide comprehensive documentation and support for AI providers.

· Implement a vetting process to ensure the quality and reliability of AI providers joining the ecosystem.

0.3. Implement Proof of Intelligence Mechanism

· Status: Established

· Develop and deploy the "Proof of Intelligence" mechanism, which involves language models evaluating the intelligence and efficacy of participating AI providers.

· Establish a scoring system and evaluation criteria for assessing the performance and capabilities of AI providers.

· Implement a consensus mechanism for language model evaluators to reach agreement on the scores assigned to AI providers.

0.4. User Interface and Experience Optimization

· Status: Established

· Design and implement a user-friendly interface that allows seamless interaction between users and the Neurashi ecosystem.

· Enable effortless submission of requests and retrieval of AI-generated outputs.

· Incorporate user feedback and usability testing to continuously improve the user experience.

0.5. Multi-AI Collaboration

· Coming Soon

· Enhance the capabilities of Neurashi to orchestrate the collaboration of multiple AI providers.

· Develop algorithms and protocols for seamless integration and coordination of various AI models.

· Enable the creation of comprehensive and well-rounded outputs by leveraging the strengths of different AI models.

0.6. Incentive and Reward Structure

· Coming Soon

· Develop a fair and transparent incentive and reward structure for AI providers, language model evaluators, and other contributors.

· Implement a tokenized economy within the Neurashi ecosystem, enabling secure and traceable transactions.

· Foster a sustainable and self-governed ecosystem by aligning incentives for all participants.

0.7. Continuous Learning and Improvement

· Coming Soon

· Implement mechanisms for continuous learning and improvement of the AI models within the Neurashi ecosystem.

· Leverage user feedback, data analysis, and machine learning techniques to identify areas for improvement.

· Enable AI providers to update and enhance their models within the ecosystem, ensuring the delivery of cutting-edge AI capabilities.

0.8. Scalability and Performance Optimization

· Coming Soon

· Optimize the scalability and performance of the Neurashi network to handle increasing user demands.

· Implement load balancing, caching, and other techniques to ensure efficient processing of requests and AI collaborations.

· Leverage distributed computing and parallel processing to enhance the overall performance of the ecosystem.

0.9. API To Brain Models

· Coming Soon

· Establish seamless integration with advanced brain models like Chartmind, Yagami, and Mariko.

· Enable higher accuracy and ease of use for users while leveraging the strengths of these brain models.

· Develop adapters and APIs for seamless communication and collaboration between Neurashi and brain models for users.

0.10. Expansion and Adoption

  • Coming Soon

  • Promote the adoption of Neurashi by targeting various industries and use cases.

  • Develop industry-specific applications and solutions leveraging the capabilities of the Neurashi ecosystem.

  • Foster partnerships and collaborations with organizations and businesses to drive widespread adoption.

  • Enable profitability for all participants by facilitating the monetization of AI services and contributions within the ecosystem.

Last updated